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Mayor Carolyn Parrish Breaks her Silence on Police Funding

Police budgets are the biggest line item on any municipalities budget. It would logically follow that it would also be the most scrutinized. As it turns out it is virtually impossible to openly criticize and debate the use of tax dollars when it comes to policing in Ontario. This is something our guest today resigned their position on Peel’s Police Board for. Newly elected Mississauga Mayor Carolyn Parrish resigned from the Peel Police Board over a proposed 23.3% budget increase which would lead to increased property taxes for Mississaugans. Something as Mayor, she was concerned with but not allowed to

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More of what the 905er has covered recently ...

Mayor Carolyn Parrish Breaks her Silence on Police Funding

Police budgets are the biggest line item on any municipalities budget. It would logically follow that it would also be

Councillor Haley Bateman Stands Against the Notwithstanding Clause

We rarely expect to return to the topic so soon when we air our episodes. However, that was the case

Mayor Mat Siscoe backs his decision to request the Notwithstanding Clause

On October 31st, 12 Mayors from across Ontario wrote a letter to Premier Doug Ford, requesting more powers to deal

Is Mississauga Changing the Way Hospitals are Built in Ontario?

For the better part of a decade, municipalities have been expected to chip in a portion of new hospital infrastructure.

905 Round-up: The Malicious Incompetence of Doug Ford

There have been a few stories that popped onto our radar recently that made us think we ought to do

Is Ontario Facing a Teaching Shortage?

As reported by Global News earlier this month, an internal document to then Minister of Education Todd Smith states that

Does Marineland Have a Future in Ontario?

Last week saw news that another beluga whale died at Marineland. For years now, the Niagara Falls-based theme park has

905er Extra Minutes – Are the Ontario Liberals Ready for an Election?

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