Every CPC candidate in Canada is gagged—forbidden from talking to podcasts—or so we were told by a party operative. As some of the worst aspects of modern political campaigns dominated headlines and anti-vax PPC supporters threw stones, we searched in vain for a CPC candidate willing to take a free 30 minutes to talk about their platform in depth.

Although actually we did find candidate keen to chat. A highly touted one, well capable of representing their party. Listen to the podcast to find out what went wrong.
While the CPC aren’t alone in hiding from the media and public (try finding any candidate to speak to in Humber River-Black Creek), they have certainly gone furthest in turning invisibility into an art form. Roland and Joel ask what it says about the CPC when they’re really not interested in speaking about their policies to anybody who isn’t already ‘on their side’.
Finally we wonder what this election would look like if the Liberals hadn’t broken their promise on electoral reform in 2016. Would we still be talking about a party with 32% of the vote ‘winning’?
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