There is a spectre haunting Hamilton–the spectre of university graduates. All the powers of old Hamilton may enter into an alliance to exorcise that spectre.*
*With apologies to Marx, Engels and Gary Larson.

So suggests former Hamilton mayor Larry Di Ianni, who this week claimed Hamilton was facing a ‘left wing takeover’ by ‘university and other elites’. This was in reaction to the launch of, a website calling for ‘new leadership for a better Hamilton’. Roland and Joel unpack what it means when politicians start using the ‘E’ word.
We also look at a strange article in the Toronto Star which highlighted the CPC candidate for Thornhill at the next federal election, Melissa Lantsman. Lantsman, it suggested, could be the ‘new face of GTA Conservatives’. Joel and Roland try to work out why.
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The Quadrafonics: fantastic opening and closing tunes!
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