The second part of our interview with Graham Crawford of iElectHamilton.ca. If you heard part one of the interview on Tuesday, you’ll know that Graham and a group of Hamiltonians have created an organization to campaign for a better Hamilton council to be elected in 2022, and for candidates to come forward who can bring a new look to city hall, replacing councillors who have been in place for decades on end in some cases, who are associated with the sewergate and Red Hill scandals, and who continue to foster the division between old-Hamilton and the suburban and rural hinterlands of the amalgamated city. In part two we look at all Hamilton has to offer as one of the most naturally fortunate cities in Canada, and consider what a city might look like that escaped the rut of unambitious and parochial leadership.
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Thanks to:
Nicholas Paul: sound editing
Our fantastic Team 905er Patrons.