905er News (Page 24)

Following our Tuesday episode with Halton Catholic School Board Chair Patrick Murphy, we speak with Lauren Wallis of Halton Parents for Change (https://haltonparentsforchange.ca/, @HaltonPFC).

Lauren gives her perspective on Chair Murphy‘s account of recent dysfunction at HCDSB and the Pride flag debate, and what needs to be done make the board function effectively.Read More …

Patrick Murphy/HCDSB

In June, Halton Catholic District School Board took the unusual step of ordering an investigation into its own dysfunctional behaviour, including the board‘s discussion of the Pride flag, which brought international attention to the board‘s division. Board Chair Patrick Murphy discusses the report and what can be done to improve trustee behaviour in an in-depth interview.Read More …

We livestreamed election night, focusing on the 905 of course.

We had a great time, with some terrific questions answered live on the podcast. Thanks to everybody who joined us.

Not an election that will go down in the history books as being particularly memorable, when all is said and done, but we talked a lot about the way this election was run, and just why the opposition parties, above all the CPC, couldn’t seem to make any significant headway against Trudeau and the Liberals.Read More …

Adam van Koeverden is seeking re-election in Milton for the Liberal Party. He joins us to discuss the Liberal platform and track record in government. Don‘t miss this episode as we challenge him on the government‘s record on climate change, electoral reform, First Nations reconciliation, the COVID recovery plan and much more in a wide-ranging conversation.Read More …

Ryerson Public School

If you care more about the name of a school than the bodies of thousands … and yes it is thousands … of children who died alone, separated from their loved ones, their way of life, their language, malnourished, abused, alone and confused, then I truly despair.Read More …