municipal government (Page 4)

As Doug Ford pursues his vision of paving over the greenbelt to help out his developer friends, resistance is popping up in unexpected places.  Most recently the Association of Municipalities of Ontario has made public their concerns regarding Bill 23.  Namely that they project a cost of approximately $1 Billion a year to municipalities due to loss of development fees.  As well as the untold projected costs of environmental damages due to the consequences of potentially building on flood plains or watersheds in the Greenbelt.  What is Doug Ford’s response?  It turns out that AMO has been excluded from committee meetings.Read More …

Ford and Clarke

WOW!!! What a week!

Doug Ford blinked before the entire province this week by capitulating to CUPE and revoking Bill 28.  This happened as a result of the mobilization and solidarity of the labour movement in Ontario, the likes of which haven’t really been seen in a few generations.

While that might sound like a reason to celebrate (it is), Doug Ford and his team haven’t wasted any time to back track on previous promises that they’ve made to voters.  Namely to keep the Greenbelt intact. Read More …

Did you miss the fun of the live results show on Monday? You did? Well do we have a treat for you. Over three hours of talk and analysis as the election results came in from across the province. We know you’ll want to listen to every minute.

And, you know what, the results were a lot of fun in some cities. There was genuine excitement in three cities at least where the mayoral race was extremely close, and it was an evening that saw a significant amount of change in quite a few places, even if other cities didn’t see any change at all.Read More …

Image of Andrea Grebenc

As we’ve mentioned before, we can’t cover every race, but we can highlight some of the races we think are most interesting. This week we’re focusing on the Halton Regional Chair race. For the first time since the position became elected in 2000, there are three candidates in the race with clearly established credentials and contrasting platforms. Andrea Grebenc, former chair of the Halton District School Board did reply, and joined us to set out why she thinks she’s the right choice for the job.Read More …


Regular guest Alan Kan joins us again to chat about the latest news from the municipal election trail. And leading the pack for ‘oh, good grief, really?’ moments in this election are the good cities of Brampton and Hamilton.

We look at the latest stories from those two cities, asking whether Patrick Brown’s main challenger is much of an alternative, and whether what some assumed was a ‘slam dunk’ win for Andrea Horwath is being undone by, well, Andrea Horwath.Read More …