municipal government (Page 9)

Graham Crawford and

Our guest this week is Graham Crawford, one of the leads of has provoked a wave of positive support from many Hamiltonians, and a storm of angry reaction from some of the city’s political grandees. It has already been described as a leftist takeover by university elites, and criticized for being unfairly hostile to delicate incumbent councillors who just want everybody to be positive.

Listen to Graham and decide for yourself.Read More …

We’re joined by Hamilton Spectator columnist, National Post auto journalist and onetime city hall volunteer Lorraine Sommerfeld, as we discuss some of the themes from the last few weeks in light of the behaviour we are seeing in Hamilton, and the general problem of how to get citizen voices heard in ways which are respectful and don’t waste anybody’s time.Read More …

Dave Meslin has been the most prominent voice encouraging the adoption of ranked ballots in municipal elections, something that both Burlington and Mississauga are currently considering. His book “Teardown: Rebuilding Democracy from the Ground Up” is an essential look at both the massive systemic problems with how our democracies currently work, and the well established solutions that already exist, if we can only have the courage to adopt them.Read More …