905er News (Page 26)

We are joined by Flavio Volpe, President of the Auto Parts Manufacturers Association, who talks to us about Project Arrow, and how it has the potential to change the auto industry in Canada, internationally, and be part of the electric future of transportation.

Flavio was a wonderfully engaging guest, and you won’t want to miss hearing him speak about the innovation and discovery that is happening in one of Canada’s most economically crucial sectors, as it faces the the challenge of moving from an oil-based to sustainable energy-based industry.Read More …

By Lexicon at the English-language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6700311

We have another milestone to celebrate, and two stories that remind us why the news in the 905 Region needs more coverage, because they are issues that you are unlikely too see receiving much coverage in legacy media.

In the dock this week … Hamilton and Brampton duke it out for the ‘most dubious council behaviour’ award.
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