905er News (Page 27)

Laura Steiner

Roland and Joel welcome Laura Steiner, editor of the Milton Reporter to discuss the awakening to history that is happening right now, and the challenges it poses for our national self-image as ‘Canada the Good’. Along the way we dive into how one of Ontario’s oldest highways came to be named for a Scottish aristocrat who never visited Canada – Henry Dundas – and the problematic and contradictory aspects of his life.*Read More …

Creative Commons Image. Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys. Library and Archives Canada, PA-042133 /

In today’s episode Roland and Joel look at three different aspects of modern Canada, and their ties to the past. The refusal to even acknowledge the dead being identified at Residential Schools across the nation by seemingly all PC and Conservative politicians on Canada Day. The environmental catastrophes seen in locations like Chedoke Creek, and the urgent need to change the nature of our relationship with the environment and our failure as ‘stewards of the land’ since we obtained it. The abandonment of all plans by the developer to build homes on ‘Mckenzie Meadows’, also known as 1492 Landback Lane.Read More …

The members of Burlington’s Ontario Liberal riding association selected Mariam Manaa to be their candidate for the 2022 election last night.

The contest was between Manaa and Andrea Grebenc, Chair of the Halton District School Board, and the result may be considered an upset with the little-known Manaa emerging the winner against an opponent with an established local profile who had won two previous elections.Read More …

The debate over statues of John A. MacDonald and keeping the name of Egerton Ryerson on public schools has rekindled in the last month. The discovery of 215 children in unmarked graves in Kamloops and the continued discovery of more unmarked graves in various Residential Schools across the country have given cause to examine these men’s legacy. We talk about the true complicated legacy of these men and what a better way for Canadians to memorialize and learn about accomplishments in the past might be.Read More …

Three of Burlington’s seven member council have issued a strongly worded rebuttal that appears to be a response to a message sent at 6:40am this morning by Mayor Marianne Meed Ward via her Twitter account. The tweet tacitly stated that three unnamed councillors, who could be deduced to be Councillors Lisa Kearns (Ward 2), Shawn Stolte (Ward 4) and Paul Sharman (Ward 5), had voted against additional Rainbow Crosswalks in Burlington.Read More …

Two Types of History

Statues are not history, and few things are more boring to historians than statutes of Victorian worthies … right until the moment they are pulled down.

Among the hysteria about “cancelling Canada’s history”, millions are learning important facts about Canada’s past. So is it history the statue-defenders want to protect? Or a mythological past that hides the brutal truths?Read More …