Doug Ford (Page 8)

Taxi, Horwath, Del Duca

What did we learned from our explosive interview with Scott Wallace of Burlington Taxi.  Where is the outrage from councillors towards the failure of staff to follow through on instructions?

A recent poll shows a big uphill battle for provincial Liberal leader, Steven Del Duca and the NDP’s Andrea Horwath.  What do they need to turn things around in 2022?Read More …

Patrick Murphy, Andrea Grebenc

Andrea Grebenc, chair of Halton District School Board, and Patrick Murphy, Chair of Halton Catholic District School Board, set out the frustration felt by school boards as they face a provincial government that doesn’t listen to education experts, or understand Ontario’s education systemin a detailed and frank discussion.Read More …

Joel and Roland discuss the connection between political donations and the policy priorities of the Ford government. If any single subject can be said to encapsulate the priorities of the provincial government since 2018, it must be the efforts to weaken the legislative checks and balances on what can be built where, and who gets to have a voice in shaping development proposals.Read More …

We are joined this week by Haassan Basit, CEO of Conservation Halton, and Janet Sumner, Executive Director of CPAWS Wildlands League, to talk about the province’s proposed major changes to the powers of Conservation Authorities in Ontario as part of the budget ‘omnibus’ Bill 229.Read More …