Regional (Page 14)

Rumours about who will run in the 2022 provincial election in Burlington have begun to heat up as at least three people have announced their intention to seek the nomination to run against Progressive Conservative incumbent Jane McKenna. Who is eventually chosen to be candidate will be decided by local riding association members, and the Liberals appear headed for a contested nomination where multiple candidates face off in a contest for member support.Read More …

Patrick Murphy, Andrea Grebenc

Andrea Grebenc, chair of Halton District School Board, and Patrick Murphy, Chair of Halton Catholic District School Board, set out the frustration felt by school boards as they face a provincial government that doesn’t listen to education experts, or understand Ontario’s education systemin a detailed and frank discussion.Read More …

Sam Oosterhoff MPP

MPP Sam Oosterhoff apparently found the provincial advice to cover his mouth with a piece of paper or cloth overly arduous last year, and was proudly photographed ignoring the rules the rest of us are expected to keep. But this week he has again shown he is willing to advocate government control of a far more intimate part of women’s anatomy. Why won’t the premier get to grips with his unruly backbencher?Read More …