provincial government (Page 7)

Glasgow Tenements

TVO has today published a leaked details of the Ontario Government’s Housing Affordability Task Force Report, due to be published next week.

If the draft were implemented, it would fundamentally change development in Ontario cities. Roland Tanner argues there seem to be some very good, some potentially good, and some terrible recommendations.Read More …

Taxi, Horwath, Del Duca

What did we learned from our explosive interview with Scott Wallace of Burlington Taxi.  Where is the outrage from councillors towards the failure of staff to follow through on instructions?

A recent poll shows a big uphill battle for provincial Liberal leader, Steven Del Duca and the NDP’s Andrea Horwath.  What do they need to turn things around in 2022?Read More …

Pork Barrell cartoon (piublic domain)

What might cost thousands or even millions in the US costs at most a couple of hundred bucks here in Canada.

Donor limits don’t take the impression of ‘cash for influence’ out of politics, they just make it much cheaper.

So how can we fund parties in a way that makes political finances above suspicion? Read More …