905er News (Page 19)

If there is any word other than ’carnage’ to describe what has been happening on Hamilton’s streets in recent months, we’d like to hear it. Death after serious injury after death has been announced, reaching a grim milestone two weeks ago when much-loved conductor Boris Brott, who brought classical music to thousands upon thousands of Canadians, was senselessly killed in an alleged hit and run incident. To talk about this subject and much more, and the resistance of some Hamilton Councillors to consider anything that might inconvenience drivers, we spoke to Alex Bishop.Read More …

At the same time as society has been dealing with COVID-19, another public health crisis has been taking place. This is the epidemic of deaths being caused across North America by overdoses above all from synthetic opioids like Fentanyl. To discuss the scale and nature of the problem, we spoke to Halton Regional Police Service Chief Steve Tanner.Read More …

This week had huge news in Hamilton.  Local area MPP Donna Skelly earned some local headlines, by saying that #Hamilton city council made the wrong call in not expanding its urban boundary earlier this year. And the PC government tabled legislation based on the Housing Task Force report, and this gives a lot of power to developers, restricting municipalities in how they respond to proposals, and puts it all basically on the Ontario Land Tribunal to sort it out.Read More …

Rory Nisan, Maureen Wilson

Rory Nisan is city and regional councillor for Ward 3 in Burlington and Halton and Maureen Wilson is councillor for Ward 1 in Hamilton. Both of them join us today to give their perspective on why the municipal votes in Hamilton and Halton to repeal mask mandates were so one-sided, when the public seems far from united on the wisdom of abandoning masks.Read More …

SAarah Harmer, Graham Flint, greg Sweetman

Multiple environmental groups have recently formed the Reform Gravel Mining Coalition aimed at province-wide change to the aggregates industry. They are calling for an immediate moratorium on all new gravel mining approvals in Ontario.

We are joined by Greg Sweetman, to put the aggregate industry’s case, and Sarah Harmer and Graham Flint, co-chairs of the Reform Gravel Mining Coalition, to explain their case for a moratorium.Read More …

Among the unexpected consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, surely one of the better ones is a nationwide rediscovery of the Canadian outdoors. Eleanor McMahon describes the numerous ways in which in the first thirty years since the Trans Canada Trail concept was born, it has come to embody and symbolize something truly important for our heterogenous nation.Read More …