provincial government (Page 6)

This is not going to be anybody’s election for the ages, unless something very unexpected happens on Thursday. W, as the the saying goes, TF? And talking of unbelievable, Councillor Terry Whitehead, Hamilton’s regular challenger in the crowded field of challengers for ’worst councillor in Ontario’, really went off on one last week, in a manner that rekindled concerns for his wellbeing. But in the current climate of political self-immolation, does being the living definition of a loose cannon actually harm Whitehead’s chances of re-election?Read More …

905 Round-up April 28th 2022

Coming off our coverage of the fall of Burlington City Council’s decision to reprimand Councillor Shawna Stolte we look at the very public and lengthy response to the situation from Mayor Marianne Meed-Ward. Then we examine the rising cases of COVID-19 in Hamilton as well as the province at large.  It seems that people are eager to ignore that a pandemic is still happening.  While lockdowns have grown to be unnecessary in the current wave, there have emerged other problems that are not being addressed.Read More …

Steven Del Duca

In the second of our interviews with Ontario party leaders, this week we are joined by Steven Del Duca, leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. The extent to which Del Duca can make an impact with Ontario voters over the next few weeks will be crucial in deciding whether the OLP and NDP split the progressive vote, or one of them is able to unite the public behind them enough to prevent a second term for Doug Ford.Read More …

We bring you our episode with Mike Schreiner of the Green Party of Ontario.  Mike is the first Green Party MPP elected to the legislature and currently represents the riding of Guelph as of 2018.  He is of course looking to expand his party’s seat count in the legislature and has his eyes on the 905 as a region that would respond well to his party’s policies. Read More …

The NDP made news this week when sitting MPP Kevin Yarde in Brampton was ousted by his own riding association in a nomination meeting for Sandeep Singh. In Brampton North, approximately 150 people were able to over rule the voice of 100,000 people before the provincial election this June. What does it say about our democracy when so few people in a riding association are able to decide the candidates to represent so many people in our places of power? Read More …