provincial government (Page 4)


Laura Steiner sits in for Joel as we discuss the late Hazel McCallion’s legacy for Mississauga and the 905 region. And we share some first impressions (recorded before Tuesday’s interview with Kate Graham – go and listen to it if you haven’t heard it yet) on the 40 Liberal insiders who have put their names to an attempt to co-opt Mike Schreiner from the Ontario Greens.Read More …

As Doug Ford pursues his vision of paving over the greenbelt to help out his developer friends, resistance is popping up in unexpected places.  Most recently the Association of Municipalities of Ontario has made public their concerns regarding Bill 23.  Namely that they project a cost of approximately $1 Billion a year to municipalities due to loss of development fees.  As well as the untold projected costs of environmental damages due to the consequences of potentially building on flood plains or watersheds in the Greenbelt.  What is Doug Ford’s response?  It turns out that AMO has been excluded from committee meetings.Read More …